Thursday, 3 June 2010

Daily Rant: Homosexuality

So they're gay, so what? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. What right do any of you homophobes have to judge them? People have done worse things in the world than kiss someone of the same sex. I mean, if given a choice to cast out either a homosexual or a child molester, which would you chose?
If being gay is wrong then they'll receive their punishment in due time but not from any of you. I have nothing against them, I've even had the pleasure of meeting two girls who are lesbian and they are very nice girls.
You think, I'd have a different opinion if I met a guy who was into me and even came on to me? Personally, I'd be flattered. Oh, and for the record, I once had a homosexual fantasy with a guy, who although was a bit of transvestite at the time, was still a guy.
I remember a quote from a movie about the prejudices against homosexuals: God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Right you are, and if He has a problem with it, then He will deal with it, He gave us free will after all.
I'm gonna get a bit mushy now, but when love is concerned, one notices that it is more often than not blind, and being blind to the other's sex is more and more common.
So people, over the long years humanity has been on this earth we have discriminated because of colour, religion and who knows whatever ridiculous reason. Homophobia is one of them. Judge not lest ye be judged. You don't like homosexuals? Fine, don't spend time with them but don't push them away like they're some sort of disease.

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