Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Daily Rant: drugs

No longer the daily rant, well it's not like I got that many readers anyway.
So, today's rant: drugs. OK, this may sound like a bad advertisement out of an educational movie for highschoolers but... JUST SAY NO!!! Really, drugs... Why?! Got nothin' better to do with your money? Are you bored? Is your life so freakin' empty that you need a fix to feel alive? I'm not exactly doin peachy but you won't catch me walking around with a bag of white powder in my pocket.
Now drugs aren't just weed, crack, heroin, LSD and whatever else but cigarettes and coffee. Maybe not as dangerous as the first few mentioned but they're no picnic either. You can't get up without coffee? Strangely enough, I can. Now I'm not gonna blame people with stressful jobs and stuff... but even after they get used to their daily routine they just won't give it up. I don't know if coffee has any side effects, other than not being able to wake up if you give it up but cigarettes sure do. OK, so you were stressed, believe me I can relate and I'd probably be sitting here with an ashtray next to me if not for the problems I already have.
But smokers (and this time I do mean a certain person) as soon as you get ballance in your life, fucking give them up before you get lung cancer and I'll come to your funerals before you come to mine.

1 comment:

  1. Drugs... tried smoking some, didn't spend money for them though :-j In total de vreo... 6 ori.. Vreo 4 ori in 2 zile de vacanta, once de rev si once la saniush... Ultimele au fost legale si mi s-au parut mai tari decat celelalte... Nu au avut mare efect, inca stiu ce am facut si nici nu radeam ca proasta... True, nu am fumat la fel de mult ca ceilalti: nefiind fumatoare de orice fel, nu trag prea puternic... Nu am ajuns dependenta si probabil as mai incerca :-?? Cel mai tare ar fi sa go to Amsterdam and eat space cakes xD

    Legat de cafea, dude... I'm no coffee addict, but don't rant about coffee... I don't need my fix every morning, I drink it every now and then, but I reaaaally enjoy the taste. Fie ca imi iau ceva extrem de girlie cand ies in oras (gen cu frisca si sirop de ciocolata), fie the little cup of coffee I make myself at home (no sugar, a bit of milk), I adore the strong taste, its warmth and even look.

    As for smoking, social smoker, can't rly say no to the Sunday Fantasy (just one every idk how many weeks). It's scented, tasty, not like all the bullcrap on the market... Si mai e si narghileaua. Merg rar, dar I rly enjoy the taste si ma relaxeaza. Plus, it's a social thingie :D
