Thursday, 24 June 2010

Daily rant: Clothes

I know! I know! I did one on formal wear but this is something else: diversity.
Have you SEEN how many different clothes there are for men? NONE TOO MANY!!! We look like we came off a fucking conveyor belt for fuck's sake! Ok, so mayyyyyybe there are a lot of women who wear the same or very similar clothes... it's the fashion, it's what's in and shit like that, they wear the same because they like it or they have the same tastes, fuck if I fucking know. But they still have PLENTY TO CHOOSE FROM!!! Geez... is it any wonder the gay and transvestite community is flourishing? Hell, I'm two identical t-shirts away from putting on a fokin' dress.
Eyo! Fashion designers! MAKE NEW CLOTHES!!! Get your fokin' 'eads out o' the fokin' box ya fokin' fokers!

You may notice I cursed a lot in this rant. Well that's because... it fokin pisses me the fok off!

1 comment:

  1. You didn't swear :-j Fokin' may sound all Scottish, but isn't equal to fucking just because the Scottish people are all awesomely rude
