Sunday, 23 May 2010

Daily rant 1 EMOS

G'day! It's time for the daily rant. Today's topic: Emo.
I would like to ask one question: what the FUCK is their problem? Punkers were bad enough, giving rockers a bad name, teenage 'rebels' going around acting like they're the shit. But emos... what depressed, suicidal, brain damaged black hole spat them out? I'm as fucked up as the next guy, everyone gets depresed, I can understand that. But they're life goal IS depression! Some people have accused me of being emo. OK, so I'm a bit dark and pesimistic, bloody hell, if you knew my back story you would understand why. But there is a big FREAKIN difference between me and emos. What's that? Simple, they dream about inflicting pain on themselves whilst I like to imagine inflicting pain on others.
Seriously... what the hell? So I'm not exactly a guy with a goal, with life energy in me, working every day to better my life... Yo, I'm lazy, not a masochist.
So please, whosoever shall read this, pass on a message to any and all emos: if you're gonna bitch about killin yourself then fuckin do it or shut the fuck up!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the whole punk thing is anarchy. So they kinda have a goal. They didn't give rockers a bad name for they weren't rockers.
    Emos are just kids. You'll never see an emo over...let's say 18. They want attention. And they're pathetic.
    On the other hand, you're a lil' bit late. The subject was on top last year.
    But, hey! Welcome in the club emo-hater. ( :
